What is the biggest problem people who are self-employed have when trying to get a mortgage? With your help, we’re building a solution.
Category: Self-Employment
Self-Employed Mortgage Checklist
Are you self-employed and getting ready to apply for a mortgage? Here’s the checklist of the financial documents you need to gather.
Low Income vs. High Net Worth
If you have modest income and a high net worth, you may not need to qualify for a mortgage by conventional means.
Stated Income Mortgage for Self-Employed
A mortgage application process with no T1 General or Notice of Assessment needed!
Alternative Lenders: Who Can They Help?
Banks have tightened their guidelines. Our solution is to explore alternative lenders and offer flexible income verification.
Banks & Mortgages When You’re Self-Employed
A few years ago, the government implemented new rules that changed the game for self-employed people seeking mortgages through banks.
Recent mortgage funding success stories
Getting approved for a mortgage can be difficult to people in certain situations. Don’t despair! These three mortgage funding stories have happy endings.
Self-Employed? Need a Mortgage?
As a self-employed person, what are your options when you don’t meet narrow lending qualifications?