A mortgage application process with no T1 General or Notice of Assessment needed!
Stated Income Mortgage for Self-Employed
![Mortgage-approved family moving into their new home](https://mortgagewarehouse.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/mw-statedincome.jpg)
A mortgage application process with no T1 General or Notice of Assessment needed!
Banks have tightened their guidelines. Our solution is to explore alternative lenders and offer flexible income verification.
Your home equity can allow you to pay off some of your high-interest debts at much lower rate than your credit cards, saving you hundreds or thousands.
A few years ago, the government implemented new rules that changed the game for self-employed people seeking mortgages through banks.
Looking for financing options for a large renovation or new build? Mortgage Warehouse can help!
Worried you won’t get mortgage approval because of your income or bad credit? There are alternative approaches you can take—and equity lending may be one option.
Mortgage Warehouse is providing more flexibility in its credit and product guidelines to assist your purchasers and borrowers in their home ownership dreams.
Getting approved for a mortgage can be difficult to people in certain situations. Don’t despair! These three mortgage funding stories have happy endings.
Banks are great… sometimes. They’re also not your only option when it comes to borrowing money.
As a self-employed person, what are your options when you don’t meet narrow lending qualifications?